Tree of Light

BlogImage - SatoriCircleDotCom - Sept 30 2017

“Tree of Light”  |  Anthony Satori

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

— Aristotle

Trees and flowers have a deep thirst for light.  Light is their food, their nourishment, their essential source of life.  So whenever you see a thriving tree or flower — even if it is hidden under the dark of night, or enfolded in shadows — it is, in reality, filled to the edges with the life-giving energy of light.


Mystical Energy

BlogImage - SatoriCircleDotCom - Sept 9 2017

“Mystical Energy”  |  Anthony Satori

There is a mystical energy in the universe.  It lives all around us.  It vibrates just beneath the surface of everything that is good in the world.  It nourishes us through nature, beauty, compassion and love — through art, empathy, kindness and wonder.  This mystical energy is the elixir of the universe.  It can expand our consciousness and give our existence infinite new layers of meaning and beauty, if we allow it to.
